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Showing posts from March, 2019

Miyamoto Musashi - telling it like it is.

I first read Myomoto Musashi's classic treatise on strategy in the year i finished school; the year my real education began. It is perhaps, an indictment on my intelligence that it has taken some thirty years to understand it. I re-read it every couple years. Here’s another offering from this wonderful book as one of my favourites ... indicative that Musashi was doing 'science' as it should be done .... love it: 'People in the world look at things mistakenly. They think that things they do not understand must be the void. This is not the true void. It is bewilderment.' What is not to love about that wonderful observation? JBW

Don’t give it weight ….

Some stuff doesn’t matter as much as we think it does. What is usually called for when we are feeling down about something - is just a little perspective. Other than in exceptional circumstances - most of us are better off than most people living at any other time in history. We have things hanging on our walls inside our houses the show us movies … houses, not mud huts. We have food. We have access to health care. And if you’re reading this - it means you have access to a virtually infinite supply of information on an infinite number of topics. Amazing. Most stuff that we think matters a lot - might not actually matter that much at all, in the grand scheme of things. Don’t give annoyances any weight!  

Teaching BJJ ....

Teaching or coaching may be a vocation but it is also a privilege. Sure, good teachers strain to to render the invisible - visible; to transmute ignorance into understanding - but they also should be aware that others have placed themselves (usually voluntarily) into their care - and with this understanding, there comes a certain responsibility. When people trade their (infinitely valuable) time, for what a teacher or coach has to offer, it is vital (IMO) that everyone fully understands the deal being entered into. As a professional teacher myself - I see it as a real privilege to be able to assist others on their way - I am deeply honoured that people feel what I have to offer is worthy of their time and attention.

Correlation … zero

Many people mistakenly believe that if they up the intensity of their effort (in a given situation) that this automatically guarantees success. Many people mistakenly believe that if they have a Black Belt in a martial art, that they can effectively defend themselves. Many people mistakenly believe that if they have a lot of money in the bank, that they will be happy and fulfilled. Many people mistakenly think that because a person talks to them and smiles at them, then that person is their loyal friend. Often, where we think there might be a correlation - there is none. And conversely, sometimes where we think no correlation exists, there is correlation.. It is easy to think that the only benefit we get out of training BJJ is the ability control and defeat other people in physical conflict; but think of the myriad of correlations that our training can have with the wider aspects of our lives as human beings.   We learn to problem solve, we learn to build resilience, we learn to
Simplifying the Complex … here is one of the easiest ways you can do this as your collection of techniques and ideas continues to grow. Make the distinction between what you KNOW and what you USE.

Frequently, the best abilities escape notice

‘Saepe summa ingenia in occulto latent’ - Latin Saying: (Frequently, the best abilities escape notice) Many of the actions and habits that distinguish the highly successful from the less so - are by definition, very difficult to see - they are very often for all intents and purposes … invisible. If they were not difficult to see - everyone else would take them up and also achieve exceptional results. The ‘not so obvious’ secret here is simply this - exceptional results come from taking exceptional action.   So-called ‘Invisible Jiu Jitsu’ - something that several of the very experienced and truly outstanding BJJ Black Belts talk about - refers to all those ‘difficult to see’ habits and micro-actions that have ‘crept’ into the game of the highly experienced over time . These hundred little things, amount to a lot, over time - and can have a remarkable effect on performance. Perhaps I am being a little harsh when I say that describing high-talent as ‘Invisible’ is in a way, code f